Reclaim your time.
Reclaim your joy.
You started your business with passion…
...but now that passion seems taken over by a series of small brush fires that keep popping up all through your business. You’re spending all your time covering shifts, arguing with suppliers, and wondering why on earth nobody can sweep the floor without you telling them to do it.
You can’t remember the last time you were able to sit and PLAN where your business is heading this year, let alone this quarter. The P&L? Your cash flow projections? Ugh.
We can help you rediscover that passion. We help you implement systems that get you back the most important thing you’ve got—your valuable time.
Focusing on Process simplifies your life.
01 — Simplify your HR
Simplify your HR with hiring templates, onboarding packages, simplified employee training manuals, and payroll systems. We can also help with offboarding packages—because sometimes, things just don’t work out.
02 — Day-to-Day Operations
We’ve got a checklist for that. And if not, we’ll help you design one. Your processes should be simple. Your tools should be straightforward. The tasks should be customer focused. Most importantly, they should not require YOU to complete them.
03 — Where’s the money?
Why’d you start this business in the first place? Dolla-dolla-bills y’all! If you don’t know where your finances are now, you’ll NEVER know if you can take a day off! We can help you get a handle on the back end so you can focus on the fun.
04 — What’s the plan, Stan?
Have you built your sales strategy for this year? Do you have your promotions planned by season? When do you need to order your Christmas inventory? How do you plan to market your business? What about that second location you’ve had your eye on? Nobody grows successfully without a strategy. We can help you formalize it, and then help you figure out how to execute it.