We’re a couple of weirdos.
We love to have fun. We love solving problems.
We started a business so we could help people solve problems together.
Sure, there’s a time to be serious—but there’s ALWAYS time to have fun.
How much fun are YOU having in your work these days?
Old friends make the best friends—and we’ve been friends a loooooong time.
Best friends doing consulting. Who knew?
We’ve been best friends since the 7th grade. I’m not telling you how long ago that was, but we’ve been friends a looooong time.
We don’t always agree on things. We discuss and debate, and usually come to a consensus. Sometimes we agree to disagree, and eventually the other one comes around.
But we have always agreed that Retail isn’t Rocket Science. Now, hear me out…
It’s tough.
It’s rewarding.
It’s challenging.
It can be joyful.
It can be disheartening.
It should be profitable.
More often than not it should be FUN.
And it should always be CUSTOMER FOCUSED.
The customer belongs at the heart of every decision you make inside your business. We help you keep that as your primary focus while giving you the simplified tools and strategies to put the FUN back into your days, and the money back into your wallet.
Who the heck are you people anyway?
Christine Smith
A strategic content curator with a sense of humour, Christine has extensive experience with learning design, learning strategy, instruction, facilitation, and coaching. Her passion is centered around creating learning that changes thinking, behaviour, and culture. That, and photography. And expanding the world’s appreciation for haiku.
Sarah Delaney
A retail operations specialist with more than 25 years in the trenches, she’s done it all—from cashier to merchant to district manager. Able to find operational efficiencies in a single-bound, her super power is managing change and helping people grow into their own potential. She loves scheduling, crossword puzzles, singing badly, and late-80’s club hits. She also feels strongly about the Oxford comma.
Dennis Delaney
A risk management professional with more certifications than we’ve got the alphabet for, Dennis is a master at shrink control and effective loss prevention strategies. A passionate advocate of CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) he can help you reduce risks through something as simple as changing up your merchandising. Managing your in-store risks starts with policy development, staff training, and cash controls. He’s also a whiz with cameras, alarm systems, and access solutions. Dennis advises business owners on managing violence in the workplace, active aggressor situations, and can also advise you on how to work cooperatively with local law enforcement to ensure you’re doing loss prevention the RIGHT way.

If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.
-Yogi Berra
We help you implement the strategy to get you where you want to go.
Chat with us.
If you’re not sure what to do next, or if you think you’ve tried everything and just don’t know where else to go, give us a call. We can discuss your situation and determine if we’re the right team to help you get back your joy and your valuable time.